Realigned Your Vendor Management Program Lately? The Effects and Benefits of a Global Paradigm Shift

As a company that specializes in 3rd Party Risk Management education & training, automated solutions, and consulting, we witnessed the pandemic cause many institutions to scramble to identify their vendors, search for contracts, wonder about their vendors’ capacity and resilience, business continuity plans, and financial viability during this unprecedented time. Those who felt they were not [...]

The Business Case for Assessing Vendor Performance

The Business Case for Assessing Vendor Performance © Compliance Education Institute While many of us continue to analyze our vendor inventories and our vendors’ Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity and Pandemic Plan plans as we manage through the COVID-19, we should also be scrutinizing contracts for Service Level Agreements (SLA’s), the quantitative measurable metrics to which vendors [...]

NY DFS Cybersecurity Regulation: Are your 3rd Party Controls in Place Before the Hammer Drops?

With the March 1, 2019 deadline looming for complying with NY’s Cybersecurity regulation, the NY DFS must be licking its chops at the prospect of imposing fines. Actually, I’m sure they really hope that all covered entities are up to snuff and have sent in their signed certifications or exemptions. “Signed certifications or exemptions?” you ask. [...]

You’re Not Too Small for Multiple Lines of Defense

Classic risk management employs 3 lines of defense. But there's also a possible 4th line when it comes to regulatory issues, specifically vendor management. Please note that I have seen multiple titles that fit the roles below so don't get hung up on the titles. If you're a smaller institution and you wear multiple hats, you [...]

2017-03-16T12:49:14-04:00October 16th, 2016|3rd Party Risk, Audit, Compliance, ERM, Governance, GRC, Risk, Vendor Management|0 Comments

Are your vendors delivering value beyond just meeting SLA’s? How are you measuring their value?

How do you measure your vendor's value?  s vendor management programs mature, we need to understand the value a vendor delivers beyond meeting its Service Level Agreements. While we frequently outsource significant functions (critical and high risk) because a vendor can help us meet our strategic goals, including doing something better/faster/cheaper, what else are we obtaining [...]

2017-03-16T12:51:57-04:00May 22nd, 2016|3rd Party Risk, Compliance, ERM, GRC, Risk, Vendor Management|0 Comments

Critical Vendor or Critical FUNCTION?

You have HOW MANY critical vendors?!?!?!?!? I always find the perception of CRITICAL VENDOR to be very interesting. As Certified Regulatory Vendor Program Managers (CRVPM) know, when reviewing vendor management programs we typically see way too many vendors listed as critical, usually for a couple of reasons; 1) either the business unit thinks that their vendors [...]

2017-03-16T12:55:25-04:00March 24th, 2016|3rd Party Risk, Audit, ERM, GRC, Risk, Vendor Management|0 Comments

Plan Your Exit Before You Outsource!

When considering outsourcing a service, it's essential to have an Exit Strategy in place so that you can transition the service to another vendor or bring it back in house prior to or at the end of the contract term. This should be done before you even consider searching for a vendor. A well thought out [...]